Woodlands Section 6 Newsletter – Winter- Spring 2024 (Distributed Feb/March 2024)
Dear Homeowners,
During these uncertain and extremely turbulent times in our lives, I hope that everyone is
staying safe, healthy and not pulling their hair out. Even though times are strange, the
association still must keep up the high standards which you are governed by. Of course,
exceptions are being made these days. In the meantime, we want to remind everyone of the
following items…
Please remember the following items are looked at during inspections weekly.
Landscaping-trimming all shrubs, weeds in beds, tree trimming-especially during hurricane
season, watering grass 2 times a week if not raining, sodding bare areas, removing dead
branches, plants, trees, flowers etc. Roof(s) stains due to water collecting on the flat roofs or
mold forming from trees overhanging pitched roofs. Driveways- reseal if concrete is showing,
paint if peeling up, pressure cleaning if there is grease, tire tracks, weeds etc. House painting;
pressure cleaning; if wall(s) is dirty or moldy and/or painting when the paint becomes chalky or
chipped. Painting should occur every 5 to 7 years. Parking; never on grass and not on
street from 2AM to 6AM (This is Tamarac law!). Trash and bulk should never be out
before the evening the day before pickup and bins must be brought in the same day as pickup.
Remember trash bins are to be stored out of sight of street and neighbors. If bulk
was not picked up, you must bring it back in, out of sight.
By now I am sure you have seen our security guard Cedrick driving around in the golf
cart. He drives on all the streets and on the golf course making sure the backs of homes are
secure. If you need to contact the Security Guard, call 1-407-949-7651. If there is an emergency,
please call 911 immediately. The BSO WHOA detail no longer has a cell phone we pay for. The
new procedure is to call the BSO Tamarac number ( 954-764-4357 ) and tell them you live in
the Woodlands. Then explain what is your non emergency issue.
Please remember that all sprinklers heads are to be buried at or slightly below the
grass/dirt line. That way, if the mower goes over the heads, they will not break. It is a good idea
to check your sprinkler system monthly and make sure the heads are retracting back down after
the sprinkler has turned off. The heads sometimes get dirt in them and cause a clog not allowing
the head to fall back down. Gemlawn Landscaping will not be responsible to fix any sprinkler or
replace heads so please be diligent in checking. The mowing schedule is always posted monthly
on the Woodlands 6 Facebook page.
Email Contact Required!
The State of Florida now requires, by a newly enacted law, that your HOA have an email contact
for all homeowners. If you haven’t done so already Please email (using your preferred
email address) president@woodlands6.org with your name and street address so a
mailing list can be assembled. This email will only be used for Woodlands Six information.
DOGS & Coyotes
All dogs must be leashed once they are outside of the home, no matter the size. You must
pick up after your dogs as well. Not only is this a Woodlands rule but it is a City Code as well.
Remember, there are still coyotes in the area and they will attack small dogs and cats. If you are
walking a small dog and see a coyote, pick up the dog.
The Board of Directors meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00pm at the
clubhouse. We hope you will attend. It has been successful so far. A sign is posted next to the
clubhouse flag pole before the meeting.
Management Company
Office: 4699 N State Road 7, SUITE D Tamarac, FL 33319
Mailing: PO Box 590035 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33359
Ph: 866-205-2250 Fax: 866-205-2250
Our Manager: Cece Klein, LCAM cece@realonepm.com
WEB SITES & Emails
The WHOA has a web site with information about the financial management company
and the Architectural Control Committee application form: https://thewoodlandsfl.com/
Note: The homeowner must fill out the form, not the contractor.
Your Section Six websites is: https://www.woodlands6.org/
The Section 6 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/292706518909397/
They all have good info and up-to-date news about your community.
To email the Section Six Board please email to: Yourboard@Woodlands6.org,
to email the president: president@woodlands6.org.
We need a web master for our web site with WordPress skills. Would take maybe an hour
a month. Maintain email lists, post board meeting agenda & minutes and post newsletter.
Contact president@woodlands6.org
Veterans, National Guard, Active Duty & First Responders
First of all, thank you for your service. There is a Woodlands Veterans group open to all of the above
on Facebook and another on Nextdoor. Please join. Our highest ranked veteran in Section Six is an
Army Lt. Colonel, we also have an Army Command Sgt. Major. Our section president is a US Army
veteran who was a Specialist 5, having served in Germany & Vietnam.
The clubhouse is available for renting, starting in February. Contact the property
manager to reserve and get the application form. There is an 80 person limit to the number of
people allowed. We now have a Bleed Stop Kit and an AED as required by law in the clubhouse.
Deposit – refundable: $ 200.00
Wear & Tear – non-refundable: $ 25.00
Cleaning Fee – nonrefundable: $ 100.00
TOTAL: $ 325.00
Check is to be payable to:
Woodlands Section Six Association, Inc.
Enjoy the pool … the temp is now set at 80 degrees F. for your swimming and exercise pleasure.