General News

About a letter from the Water Company

If you have received the long letter from the water company that you can see below related to our water pipes, there is no need to panic.

One of our board members asked our neighbor Gary who worked 30 years in the water dept. and It seems this letter went out to all cities, Plantation, Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, etc. from EPA and it is nothing to be upset about.

They are concerned with our home lines to each house from their service copper city pipes.  Cities want to check and have detailed records maybe due to liability, and are putting the responsibility on the homeowner to investigate your home’s pipe, if the city doesn’t know what your pipes are made of, and then something happens. When many of our homes were built the cities were not given info from builders re home’s pipes used. 

In our neighborhood, you have either copper, PCV or galvanized pipes. They are fine;  but if galvanized, it will give you trouble eventually and pressure may get reduced because there could be build up in the lines.   

If you have not received the letter yet, you will probably receive it soon, but it is a mass letter to thousands of customers and there is no reason to panic about it. You can always call the phone numbers in the letter to get more information directly from the city.

Holiday Brunch

As every year, we invite the Section 6 neighbors to join our Holiday Brunch and Annual Meeting. During the event the proposed budget for next year will be presented.

A head count is needed, to make sure we do have enough food, so if you have not received the invitation via snail mail, you can download it from the insert below, to fill it with the names of the attending ones.

Once is filled you can email it (instructions on the flyer), or you can leave it in the Section 6 Clubhouse mail slot.

We hope to see you there!

WHOA – Delegates at large needed

The WHOA is looking for delegates at large. If you are interested, please send an email to with your name, address, phone #, a brief background information description, and why you are interested in being a delegate to the WHOA.

That information will be forwarded to the WHOA selection committee and they will get back to the candidates.

13th Floor Homes Update

A “Neighborhood meeting” hosted by 13th Floor Homes will take place on Monday May 13, 2024 from 5 to 7 PM at the Tamarac Multipurpose Center, 7531 N. University Drive.

The sign is posted by the entry of the old country club.


Tamarac City Upcoming Meetings

The upcoming meeting for our district (District # 2) will be on Wednesday May 1 at 6:30 PM at the Tamarac Community Center Ballroom, 8601 W. Commercial Blvd.

Will have the presence of the Mayor (Michelle J. Gomez) and the Vice Mayor, Morey Wright

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